Hello! I have not posted anything in quite some time. It has been a busy year with TCSP. We have had a great year. Of course, nothing comes easy in 2009. But as my algebra teacher in eighth grade used to say, “The cream always rises to the top.”
We were nominated for the Better Business Bureau Integrity Award last winter from a past client. We went to a class at the BBB regarding the award. There we, among about 20 other companies, were told what we needed to prepare to be considered to be a finalist. We found that the BBB looks for how Integrity permeates an individual company. This runs from marketing to sales to production to how our customers and vendors are treated. We spent approximately 100 hours researching and interviewing employees, vendors and customers and submitted the application in July.
We found out we were finalists in early September and were understandably excited. The BBB’s annual awards banquet was October 25 and we invited a number of our employees to come along with my parents and my wife’s parents.
We were thrilled later that evening to find that we were honored with the Integrity Award for 2009! It was almost like winning the World Series. Kristen and I have worked very hard on our business since opening up in 1995. We know that doing business the right way is the only way to be truly successful. (You know, doing things the opposite of guys like Tom Petters and Bernie Madoff.) We clearly couldn’t have done it without our valuable employees. And not just the current employees but people from years ago who have done the right job for our customers.
So, here is a shout out to all of our current and past employees. Thank you for keeping our customers first, going the extra mile, and doing the right job.