A deck or patio is the perfect spot for enjoying a bit of the outdoors. However, you may find it uncomfortable to pass time outdoors in complete view of passersby. It’s a good thing that our team of exterior and siding experts have a few creative ideas to add some privacy to your deck or patio.
Use Curtains
Your deck or patio doesn’t always have to be completely open. By adding a series of drop cloth curtains, you can have a way to screen out the view from the outside while still allowing you to enjoy the outdoor experience that an open deck or patio can provide.
Repurpose Shutters as Fences
Storm shutters tend to be useless during months where storms are rare. Why not put them to good use? You can repurpose storm shutters as part of your fence to obscure the view from outside. Use different styles of storm shutters for a quirky, but effective combination.
…Or Use Them as Partitions
If you don’t have enough shutters to cover one side of the fence, you can still use them as actual partitions. A partition requires free panels, but it still does a great job of giving you privacy while you’re lounging around your deck or patio.
Green Is Good
If you want, you can also use plants to hide your deck or patio from prying eyes. Growing plants with thick foliage around the fence helps with privacy while also providing a cooling effect to your property. Sure, plants require a bit of maintenance, but you get a lot of value out of them so it’s worth it!
Need extra privacy for your deck or patio? We’re here to help. Twin Cities Siding and Roofing is the most trusted home exterior contractor in St.Paul, MN. You can call us at 651-571-9557, or fill out this contact form to request a quote.