Importance of Window Warranties

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Homeowners are usually confused with what window warranties are and what they actually cover. This can lead to misunderstandings and frustration when the topic of window replacement is brought up with the contractor or manufacturer. These warranties also vary depending on which contractor or manufacturer you chose for the installation, so knowing how the terms work and what they actually cover can really help manage your expectations and future planning. Why are window warranties important? How can they help? 

Importance Of Window Warranties


When your windows need repairs or replacement, warranties help by reducing costs through the terms indicated in the coverage. Varying through different manufacturers and contractors, installation costs can be greatly reduced or be completely free (given that certain conditions are met). The window warranty can also secure you priority service during a period where window replacement services are highly sought after, like stormy seasons and other periods where extreme meteorological phenomena are common.

Coverage of Terms

Commonly, window companies offer limited lifetime warranties to their clients. But keep in mind that this doesn’t actually mean a full lifetime, but rather, refers to the estimated service life of the windows installed within your property. For example, if your current windows are rated to live up to 20 to 25 years, the warranty covers problems that occur within that specific timeframe.

Aside from the timeframe coverage, warranties can cover a lot of common issues and materials that need to be repaired or replaced (depending on who you contacted and how reputable they are). The common window warranty usually covers repair or replacement to the following:

  • Window materials – Vinyl and wooden window materials have different coverage periods due to the difference in composition, for example. So, this depends on what materials were used in the installation
  • Physical Defects
  • Hardware – refers to the moving parts of your windows, their functionality
  • Energy efficiency – refers to depleting gasses that are between the panes of glass
  • Obstruction of vision – refers to when you have visibility problems regarding the window
  • Labor and installation – heavily dependent on the terms stated by the contractor as some contractors do not fully cover the expenses involved
  • Glass breakage – a common but usually unused warranty, this refers to accidental breakage of glass

Reputable Contractor

To fully comprehend and maximize a warranty, getting the services of a reputable window and siding contractor or manufacturer that clearly states the terms involved with the warranty is important. Real, professional contractors provide clear-cut warranty terms that don’t confuse the client and are always there to help homeowners understand the whole warranty before the installation or replacement starts.

The best contractors and manufacturers also provide the best warranties that cover most window-related issues, so be sure to read the terms properly and ask for clarification if you have any concerns. Some contractors and manufacturers even offer True Lifetime Warranties, which means that they are willing to repair or replace the affected windows provided that you have proof that you are still the owner of your home!

Contact Us!

For any inquiries, contact us at (651) 967-0873, or fill out our contact form to request an estimate. We proudly serve clients and homeowners in Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN.


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