Do you remember the childhood story of the ant and the grasshopper? The members of the industrious ant colony spent the warm, sunny summertime gathering provisions in preparation for the cold winter they knew lay ahead. But the lazy grasshopper spent the summer months laying about in idleness.
Naturally, when winter arrived the ants survived quite well, snug in their anthill. But the grasshopper suffered terribly from the cruel weather and lack of food.
The moral of the story? Make hay while the sun shines!
The same applies to your home. It is tempting to enjoy the nice weather and ignore those household tasks we know need attention. After all, won’t there be time later to fix those loose shingles, or caulk that drafty window? How quickly we forget the chilly drafts and high heating bills of just a few months ago!
The moral of this story is similar: Prepare your home now for the winter weather that will be returning all too soon.
Now is the time to make the changes necessary to make your home warmer and more energy efficient for years to come. The favorable summer weather makes scheduling easier, and off-season pricing makes home improvement even more affordable.
The investment you make this summer in home improvements like insulating siding and energy efficient replacement windows will pay off in a more comfortable home and lower energy bills.
Don’t be a grasshopper! Let us help you get ready for winter.
Call Twin Cities Siding and Roofing at 651-571-9557 , or visit our web site at: