Twin Cities’ Terry Stamman Jumps into the Shark Tank

If you have seen television’s popular “Shark Tank” show, you know that would-be entrepreneurs present their most clever ideas to a panel of business experts, hoping to make a good impression. Budding business moguls in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area had their own opportunity to make it big during the Junior Achievement (JA) of the Upper Midwest’s Biztown Entrepreneur Camp, held in Maplewood, MN at the end of July.

Twin Cities Terry Stamman Jumps Into The Shark TankOur own Terry Stamman was asked to serve on the panel of judges who fielded the pitches from teams of young tycoons, ranging in age from 11 to 15 years. The groups were organized like a business, with a CEO, CFO, middle managers and entry level members. Each team member talked about his or her position within the “company” before presenting their ideas for a product or service.

Terry and his fellow judges had the difficult task of choosing the winners from among all the presentations. According to Terry, “Some groups were more organized than others and some had (admittedly) better products and/or services, but all demonstrated a knowledge of their product and a keen desire to be successful.”

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Here is a copy of one of the checks written to me on Thursday, paying me back for your business investment.

“I had three other panelists in my group and we all agreed how much fun it was. These precocious kids came in with a fire and enthusiasm that was absolutely contagious,” said Terry. “Some of the presenters were so impressive that I imagine someday seeing their faces in the newspaper and business journals.”

“I really enjoyed my time there and would be happy to be a panelist again.”

Terry’s participation in the JA Biztown program is just one way we give back to the communities we serve. Our commitment to the youth of the Minneapolis-St. Paul area includes volunteer work for the Dodge Nature Center, and Terry Stamman’s position on the School Board for School District 197.

If this sounds like the kind of company you’d like to work with when improving your home, please call Twin Cities Siding & Roofing at (651) 571-9557.


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