Protecting Yourself Against Home Improvement Scams

Every year thousands of homeowners across the U.S. hire contractors and are thrilled with the results they get. However, it’s also common to hear of homeowners with horror stories about their contractors. Home improvement projects can be overwhelming, and, sadly, this is what scammers take advantage of, preying on unsuspecting homeowners who are only looking to do what is best for their properties. Twin Cities Siding & Roofing, a top siding and windows expert in the Upper Midwest, discusses these scams and how to protect yourself:

Protecting Yourself Against Home Improvement Scams

How to Tell If a Contractor Is a Scammer

Like with any other project, home improvement work requires you to practice due diligence when meeting with contractors. Just because they have a good ad or online representation doesn’t mean they’re legit. Find out for yourself by checking with friends, neighbors or coworkers, or check the contractor’s reputation on online rating sites you trust. Keep a lookout for these signs:

  • Pressures you for an immediate decision

  • Only accepts cash and insists that you pay everything up-front

  • Asks you to borrow money from a lender they know

  • “Just happens” to have the needed materials left over from a previous job

  • Asks you to get the required building permits yourself

  • Doesn’t have a business number in the local telephone directory

  • Offers exceptionally long guarantees

Remember, a home improvement project gone wrong, especially an extensive one like siding, doors or windows, will cost you more than money, so you can’t afford to take chances.

Organizations That Can Help

If you feel like you’ve come across a fraudulent contractor or are a victim of home improvement scam, you can reach out to these organizations and federal groups for help:

  • National Center for the Prevention of Home Improvement Fraud (NCPHIF)

  • Better Business Bureau (BBB)

  • Your local Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) branch

At the end of the day, it is your responsibility as a homeowner to ensure your rights are protected. When it comes to windows, doors, siding repairs and installation, we are the contractor that you should trust. Ask your neighbors or friends about us as we’ve probably done work for them, too. Call Twin Cities Siding & Roofing today at (651) 571-9557 for a FREE in-home evaluation and estimate! We serve the Twin Cities and nearby areas.


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