Methods You Can Use to Remove Paint From Your Vinyl Siding

In terms of cleaning, vinyl siding is one of the easiest siding materials to clean if it accumulates dust and dirt. However, on the off chance that paint ever happens to make its way onto your vinyl siding, it’s in your best interest to remove it as soon as possible. While you may not need to call a siding contractor to get the job done, there are some paints that can really stick to vinyl. Thankfully, there are many methods to get around this dilemma.

Remove Paint From Your Vinyl Siding

Water-Based Paints

If your vinyl siding is affected by water-based paints, it’s easy to remove it with a solution of laundry detergent and warm water. Once you’ve made your solution, simply pour it on the paint, and use a brush to scrub it off before rinsing the area with water by using a power washing with the rinse nozzle. If there are any traces of paint that still remain, you can easily remove it with some isopropyl alcohol and a final rinse to the affected area.

Wet Oil-Based Paints

On the other hand, if you notice that your vinyl siding has been recently affected by oil-based paints like acrylic, siding contractors recommend using a stronger solution to remove it. Put rubbing alcohol on a cloth, and wipe off as much paint as possible. Afterwards, scrub the affected area until the paint is removed. Once that’s done, you can now use a mix of detergent and warm water to clean the area, and your siding should be as good as new.

Dried Oil-Based Paints

If you didn’t notice the paint stain for a considerable amount of time and the paint has already dried, you’ll have to use an entirely different method to remove it. The first step is using a scraper to remove the outer surface of the dried paint, and then scrub the affected area with acetone paint remove until the paint comes off. Afterwards, you can completely clean the siding with a solution of detergent and warm water.

Final Method

If none of the aforementioned steps managed to remove the paint from your vinyl siding, whether it’s water- or oil-based, you’ll have to use a graffiti remover to get the job done. You can use the solution in the affected area and scrub it with a cloth before rinsing it with mild soap and water afterwards. Make sure you buy a graffiti remover that doesn’t create discoloration on the surfaces, however, or your vinyl siding may suffer for it.

Make your search for siding contractors easier by turning to Twin Cities Siding and Roofing. We are your leading provider of window and siding installation services. Give us a call at 651-571-9557
, or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate. We serve homeowners in Minneapolis and other nearby areas.


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Methods You Can Use To Remove Paint From Your Vinyl SidingCALL NOW