The Pros and Cons of Fiberglass and Steel Entry Doors

The Pros And Cons Of Fiberglass And Steel Entry Doors

Your entry door is your first chance to make a good impression on your guests, which is why it’s important to choose the right kind of door as well as find skilled and experienced door contractors to handle the installation job. Of the dozens of potential styles, colors and materials you can choose from, there are two top choices that have been touted by numerous homeowners and experts across the country.The Pros And Cons Of Fiberglass And Steel Entry Doors

Steel and fiberglass have long since taken the throne from wood as the number one entry door material. Between these two viable candidates, however, the choice is anything but clear-cut.
Fiberglass is recommended by contractors because of its durability and longevity. It’s resistant to the periodic expansion and contraction that wooden doors fall victim to, especially during times of extreme temperature changes. They also have far less maintenance requirements, making them the affordable choice in the long-term. Its only drawback is its cost, often being more expensive than other more traditional options.
Stainless steel is second to none when it comes to strength and durability. It’s a good choice for homeowners that want to improve the security of their home. Steel can also be made to mimic the natural beauty and wood grain of wood while also providing your home with a much higher energy efficiency rating overall. Non-stainless variants can lose their galvanized coating and be prone to rust, but regular maintenance can help resolve and prevent this issue.
Talk to your trusted door contractors before installing a brand-new entry door. Fiberglass is more commonly used for residential buildings while steel doors are the preferred choice for commercial properties, but either material can be used for either purpose depending on your needs.
At [company_name], we can help you find an entry door that’s 100% right for your home. Give us a call at [company_phone], or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation and request a free estimate on new door installations today. We serve homeowners in Minneapolis and nearby areas.


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