Window Mullions vs. Muntins: Features and Differences

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When selecting windows for your home, you will probably hear the terms mullions and muntins. But what are these window components, and how do they differ from each other? Continue reading to learn more.

Window Mullions Vs Muntins Features And Differences

What Are Mullions?

Mullions are vertical bars separating two sides of a window. They are typically used to divide larger window frames, so sometimes it looks like they are creating two windows where one window is expected. Mullions used to be added to improve a window’s structural strength. But nowadays, they mainly serve as a decorative element in windows.

What Are Muntins?

Muntins are vertical dividers separating glass panes in multi-pane windows. However, they are used to specifically refer to the inner vertical pieces. The outer pieces forming the frame are called stiles and rails. Nowadays, muntins are often associated with windows, but they can also be used to refer to any kind of vertical divider for windows, doors, furniture or wood panels.

How Are Muntins and Mullions Different From Each Other?

Muntins basically separate glass panes while mullions divide windows or door frames. Muntins are typically used in multi-pane windows, while mullions act as a single vertical divider for two-pane windows.

However, it’s worth noting that muntins and mullions no longer have any significance to the functionality of windows. Nowadays, these features simply serve as decorative elements. If you have a historic home, adding muntins or mullions may be suggested by your remodeler to preserve its traditional design. Adding muntins or mullions will add to the cost of your windows, so make sure to weigh the pros and cons of these window components.

You can always count on Twin Cities Siding and Roofing for the best roof, window and siding services. Call us at 651-571-9557, or fill out this contact form to request a quote.


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