Guild Quality Statistics

Hello all!  This year we have hired Guild Quality to be an independent customer service company.  We did this to find out how our  customers feel about us after we are finished with their remodeling project.  It is our goal that our customers are “wowed” by the service we offer.  We are not just giving our customers a remodeling project; we are creating lifetime customers.

As such, we want to know how our customers truly feel about us.  We cannot get that simply by asking.  We live in Minnesota-we are all nice here.  That is why we hired Guild Quality.  They are like JD Power and  Associates for builders, remodelers and real estate professionals.  A third party company will get the unvarnished truth so we can find out areas in which we need to improve.

When we are finished with a project, Guild Quality contacts our customer (we let the customer know about this service prior to their even hiring us) and asks them 25 questions regarding our  performance.  Questions like:  Did TCSP have the necessary expertise to perform your job? and, Did the crew care about their work on your home?  Customers then respond with “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree” on a “0-4″ scale. 

According to Guild Quality reports, we consistently finish higher than the average Guild Quality contractors.  I want to add that only the best, most professional contractors in the nation use Guild Quality.  So I am very proud of this.  In areas regarding Construction Quality, Communication, and Value the rate of customers putting down 3’s and 4’s is over 97%!

The most important question in the survey is number 17:  “Would you recommend TCSP to a friend?”  The answer every single time has been, “Yes”.  The industry average, according to Qualified Remodeler, a trade magazine with over 25,ooo contractor subscribers, is just 50%.  (That is obviously not very good.)  Our quality of work and commitment to excellence speaks for itself.  We truly do care about our customers’ satisfaction.

Until  next time, Terry


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