There are plenty of great reasons to invest in new siding for your home. Improved curb appeal is one, and greater weather resistance is another. But does new siding also make a huge and positive difference to your home’s energy efficiency?

Short Answer: Yes
Minnesota experiences hot summers and cold winters. Unfortunately, your old siding and exterior walls won’t be enough to keep extreme outdoor temperatures at bay. To ensure a comfortable and consistent indoor environment, you should consider getting a new siding for your home. It provides an additional thermal barrier that prevents excess heat or cold from transferring into your living space. This, in turn, keeps your HVAC system from working overtime and using up too much energy.
Just how effectively your new siding heads off outdoor temperatures will depend on your choice of material. If you want a durable and long-lasting option, turn to Twin Cities Siding and Roofing. Our James Hardie® fiber cement siding may be just what you need. Its solidity ensures that it will remain impervious to anything that can compromise the integrity of the siding system. This means no cracks, chips, dents and openings that make it easy for outdoor temperature to leak into your home.
Fiber Cement Siding and Unmatched Insulation
You can augment the thermal barrier our James Hardie fiber cement siding can provide with our Icynene® spray foam insulation. Applying this exceptional component to your walls offers a simple and effective way to make your home comfortable while reducing home cooling and heating costs. Not only that, but Icynene insulation can also reduce noise transfer to your home, allowing you to get your eight hours of sleep without being rudely interrupted by outdoor noise.
Request a Siding Quote
With the quality home insulation and James Hardie fiber cement siding offered by Twin Cities Siding and Roofing, keeping your energy costs to a minimum becomes easier. We take pride in serving homeowners in and around Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN. Give us a call today at (651) 967-0873, or fill out this contact form to schedule a siding consultation. We’d love to hear from you!