It’s necessary to make some preparations before your siding contractor arrives. These steps will protect your home and belongings from damage. It can also help ensure your family remains safe during construction. Here’s how you can prepare your humble abode for siding installation.

Clear the Work Area
Temporarily place furniture, decor, potted plants, gardening tools and other outdoor items in your shed or garage. It will make the area more accessible and protect your belongings from accidental damage. Also, keep your driveway clear so workers have space for the new materials and hauling the old ones.
Prepare Your Yard
You don’t want your precious flower beds or plants harmed by fallen debris or refuse materials. Cover them with plastic or tarp before the actual work begins. Trimming the grass short will help workers spot loose nails following the installation. It’s also a good idea to trim overhanging branches that could get in the way of installers.
Keep Pets and Kids Away
Kids and pets should be away from the work area, whether it’s siding repair or replacement. Your furry friends could get stressed out from the banging and pounding noises and having strangers in the house. Meanwhile, children could accidentally go outside and get hurt from fallen debris. Consider having your kids and pets stay with a friend or family member until your project is complete.
Take Down Items From Interior Walls
The walls of your home could vibrate while the workers remove your old siding and install the new one. Remove items, such as frames, glass decor, lamps, and mirrors, from the walls. You should also take down fragile items from shelves.
Thinking about giving your home a makeover? Turn to Twin Cities Siding and Roofing. We install high-quality James Hardie® siding that can boost your home’s weather protection, energy efficiency and appeal. Call us at (651) 967-0873 or complete our online form to get a free estimate. We work with clients in St. Paul and nearby communities.